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General Professional Skills Courses (ABV) in the skill area of Gender and Diversity Awareness

General Professional Skills Courses (ABV) in Gender & Diversity Awareness SuSe 2024

General Professional Skills Courses (ABV) in Gender & Diversity Awareness SuSe 2024
Image Credit: CeDiS FU Berlin

As part of the General Professional Skills Courses (ABV), a component of Freie Universität Berlin’s bachelor’s degree programs, the Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ) offers courses in five modules (worth 5 credits each) in the skill area of gender & diversity awareness

The courses (3 SPPW) in each module consist of seminar classes and a 2-day awareness training workshopIn the context of online teaching, the training is integrated into the courses in different ways.

Aided by outside input, discussion, and group-based and interactive methods (such as guided work in small groups and exercises on shifting perspectives), the training workshop aims to sensitize participants to how they deal with ascribed social differences. Reflecting upon one’s own values, modes of behavior, and communication styles is a prerequisite for education in the professional skills required today and builds the foundation for facilitation, discussion, teamwork, and leadership skills.

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