Roundtable: “Decolonizing the Classroom: A Space of Resistance?” (ENG/DE), 10.02.2022
Bildquelle: Cedis FU Berlin
Diana Ameida is an activist and graduate student in Sociocultural Anthropology and Latin American Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Currently enrolled in the Master’s program Gender, Intersectionality and Politics at the Otto-Suhr-Institut, FU Berlin. Diana is also politically active and organized as a migrant woman from Abya Yala in Berlin, linking and working in solidarity with the popular struggles in Latin America, and in the political organization of migrants, refugees and racialized people in Germany.
Dr. Denise Bergold-Cadwell (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Dr. Denise Bergold-Caldwell is academic director of the Centre for Gender Studies and Feminist Futures Research at Philipps-Universität Marburg. She holds a PhD in education and educational science and teaches with a focus on post- and decolonial educational processes. She has numerous publications in the field of gender and queer studies, antifeminism, migration pedagogy and critical race pedagogy and education. In 2020, she published the monography “Schwarze Weiblich*keiten. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Bildungs- und Subjektivierungsprozesse“ (transcript).
Dr. Rolando Vázquez Melken (University College Roosevelt und University College Utrecht)
Dr. Rolando Vázquez Melken is a teacher and decolonial thinker. He is currently Associate Professor of Sociology at University College Roosevelt and Cluster Chair at the University College Utrecht. Since 2010, he co-directs with Walter Mignolo the annual Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School, now hosted by the Van Abbemuseum. In 2016, under the direction of Gloria Wekker, he co-authored the report “Let’s do Diversity” of the University of Amsterdam Diversity Commission.
Hier geht es zum Programm der Veranstaltungsreihe "Diversity, Racism and the Broken Promise of Inclusion in German Higher Education"!
Zeit & Ort
10.02.2022 | 16:00 - 18:00
Webex Events
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This event will be held in English/ German.