Public Lecture: Prof. em. Dr. Pilwha Chang "(Eco)Feminists and the search for sustainable communities"
Dahlem International Network Professorship for Gender Studies 2016–17
A feature of the Excellence Initiative at Freie Universität Berlin
Public Lecture:
Prof. em. Dr. Pilwha Chang: "(Eco)Feminists and the search for sustainable communities"
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 6 pm
"Holzlaube", Fabeckstraße 23–25, Lecture Hall -1.2009 (basement), 14195 Berlin
- 6:00 pm Welcome: President of Freie Universität Berlin, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter-André Alt
- 6:15 pm Introductions: Scientific Director of the Margherita von Brentano Center, Prof. Dr. Margreth Lünenborg / Director of Korean Studies, Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee
- 6:30 pm Lecture: (Eco)Feminists and the search for sustainable communities, Prof. em. Dr. Pilwha Chang,
Dahlem International Network Professor for Gender Studies 2016–17
The public lecture will be held in English. The event will be followed by a reception
Pilwha Chang is former director of the Asian Center for Women’s Studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul,
South Korea, and has played a defining role in the establishment and development of gender and women’s
studies in Asia. During her time at Freie Universität, she will work closely with the Institute of Korean Studies,
the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), and the Margherita von Brentano Center.
Zeit & Ort
24.01.2017 | 18:00
Freie Universität Berlin, "Holzlaube", Fabeckstraße 23–25, Lecture Hall -1.2009 (basement), 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
(Dahlem-Dorf: U3, bus 110, M11 und X83)