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Science Day #4GenderStudies

What is the Science Day #4GenderStudies?

As a reaction to the devaluation of the transdisciplinary field of gender studies as a whole, the attacks on individual gender researchers and the attacks in social media, the idea of a concerted action in the form of a science day emerged from the community of gender researchers in late fall 2017. The idea was to make publicly visible how exciting, diverse, and scientifically excellent gender research is, and that as a critical science it focuses on important problems and real phenomena. The Science Day took place for the first time on Dec. 18, 2017, under the hashtag 4GenderStudies, and since then it has been held annually on Dec. 18.

Gender researchers and universities in German-speaking countries participate with the aim of showing the diversity of gender studies and highlighting the scientific importance of the field. On this day, scientists and institutions of gender studies post on social media under #4GenderStudies. This social media campaign will be accompanied by workshops, lectures and other events at different locations, all held under the hashtag #4GenderStudies.

At Freie Universität Berlin, gender studies is anchored in numerous subjects. Its diversity and complexity is characterized in particular by its different disciplinary approaches and perspectives.

The range of questions and methods with which gender relations are researched varies from subject to subject. For all their diversity, the projects are united by their orientation towards approaches that are critical of science and self-reflective, as well as by their focus on socially relevant issues.

During the week of December 18, 2023, scientists, research institutions, and other science-related institutions nationwide will report on their current research projects for the sixth time under the hashtag #4GenderStudies. The Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies is participating with various activities.

Who can participate and how?

Participation is fairly simple: academics and other university staff use the hashtag #4GenderStudies to share a research-based glimpse of their work in the field of gender studies.

How to participate?

  • Use your homepage, blog, and/or social media account to make your
    publications and research visible under the hashtag #4GenderStudies.

  • Reach out to the press offices at your institutions and universities about how
    research projects and results can be communicated and if they would like to participate in the Science day.

  • Also approach media professionals.
  • Integrate the day into your teaching: Talk to your students about what they are interested in, whether they would like to participate in the Science Day and what they have learned from their studies.

More information:

For more information please get in touch with Dr. Sabina García Peter (sabina.garcia.peter@fu-berlin.de)


The gender calendar of the afg Berlin regularly informs about events (online & offline) in the field of gender studies at Berlin's universities beyond the Action and Science Day: https://afg-berliner-hochschulen.de/gender-kalender.

Activities 2023

Movie Screening Feminism WTF

Informational and networking event on the Action and Science Day #4GenderStudies 2023 as part of the KEG 2023

Seminar „Geschlechterpolitik in der Wissenschaftskommunikation“ (SoSe 2023)

#4GenderStudies Solidarity Talk | Woman, Life, Freedom: The Dynamic of Dance in Iran's Feminist Revolution am 08.06.2023



Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Science, Technology and Society | Openness in Science on 14.12.2022


Transnational Feminist Dialogues: The Present and Future of Women and Gender Studies in Afghanistan on 16.12.2021

Informational Event on the Day of Action and Science Day #4GenderStudies 2021 on 08.11.2021 

Informational Event on the Day of Action and Science Day #4GenderStudies 2021 on 05.07.2021 


Online book release „Intersektionale Sozialforschung“ (transcript, 2020) by Kathrin Ganz und Jette Hausotter on 16.12.2020

Online panel discussion „(Anti-)Rassismus an Hochschulen“ (in Kooperation mit der Toolbox Gender und Diversity in der Lehre) on 15.12.2020

Online workshop #4GenderStudies : Building Transtional Feminist Solidarities in Academia on 20.10.2020


Collective video action: „Geschlechterforschung ist für eine demokratische Gesellschaft wichtig, weil…“

Webinar on „Genderkompetenz für die Lehre“

Workshop "#4genderstudies: nachhaltige Strategien?!" on 28.06.2019


Workshop "#PR4GENDER: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Gender Studies" on 16.11.2018

Workshop "#4genderstudies … und jetzt weiter: Positionierung und Forschungsentwicklung (in) der Geschlechterforschung" on 13.04.2018