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Liina Mustonen (summer term 2019)

Liina Mustonen, Ph.D.

Liina Mustonen, Ph.D.
Image Credit: privat

Liina Mustonen’s post-doctoral project explores the interplay between gender performativity and mobility in the migration between Europe and the Middle East. She conducted several months of fieldwork for the project in Beirut in 2017 and 2018 as a visiting researcher of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. The project expands on her earlier work, in which she explored social distinction and the politicization of gender in Egypt during the country’s transitional period (2011–2013) and for which she conducted extensive fieldwork in Cairo. At the Margherita von Brentano Center,she will revise the manuscript for her first book that looks at the intersection of class, gender, and race in processes of othering in Egypt’s recent past. 

Liina received a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence in 2017. Her PhD research was generously funded by the Academy of Finland. Previously, she was a visiting researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Estudios de Género, Carlos III in Madrid. At the moment, Liina teaches gender and politics with a focus on the Middle East at the University of Helsinki, where she is also an affiliated researcher with the Center for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN) at the Swedish School of Social Science in Helsinki. She is also a book reviews editor of Allegra Lab.


E-Mail: liina.mustonen@eui.eu