Claudia Sommer Dipl. Ewi.
Toolbox | Gender und Diversity in der Lehre
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
Room JK 25/311
14195 Berlin
Room JK 25/311
14195 Berlin
Research Focus
- Gender and Diversity
- Diversity-conscious and anti-discriminatory education
- Gender-reflective pedagogy
- Intersectionality
- Classism
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 03/2023 Project collaborator Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching, Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ), FU Berlin
- Since 01/2014 Educational consultant, process facilitator (freelance) for various educational institutions, Berlin and Brandenburg
- Further training on the situational approach for educators and daycare center managers, Institute for the Situational Approach Berlin (Ista Berlin)
- Accompanying further training on the topic of inclusion in the quality offensive of the city of Cologne, Ista Berlin
- Development and implementation of the diversity simulation game “Convivencia in Cordoba” for use in school and extracurricular youth and adult education, Life e.V.
- Seminar conception and educational events on (anti-)discrimination, gender and diversity, intersectionality, anti-bias (prejudice-conscious education and upbringing), gender-reflective pedagogy, classism
- Human rights and children's rights education, ProNats e.V
- Advice and process support for change processes for educators, teachers and daycare center managers
- Since 04/2011 Lecturer, Margherita von Brentano Center, FU Berlin general professional skills courses (ABV) in the skill area of gender and diversity awareness, seminars on gender and diversity competence
- 08/2018 - 02/2023 Teacher/lecturer, teaching activities and practical support in technical schools for social pedagogy/educator training
- 02/2016 - 07/2018 Teacher of German as a second language, Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, Pankow Vocational School for Social Services, Upper Secondary School for Information and Medical Technology, SPI Foundation College
- 02/2011 - 12/2013 Project coordinator, seminar leader, Zukunftsbau GmbH
Integrated secondary school in Berlin-Wedding, model project as part of “Promoting tolerance - strengthening skills”, Federal Ministry for Families, Women and Youth - 02/2006 - 02/2012 Education officer, ABqueer e.V., conception and implementation of seminars, training courses and specialist days on gender sexual diversity. Creation of teaching materials, lecturer in the educational project “Queerformat”, ISV (Initiative “Berlin stands up for self-determination and acceptance of sexual diversity”, Berlin Senate Department)
- 08/2006 - 12/2010 Life skills teacher, Humanist Association of Germany, teaching at elementary school in Berlin
- Diploma in Educational Science/Social Pedagogy, TU Berlin
- Sociology studies abroad, research project on socioeconomic livelihood security in connection with Eduacación Popular, Universidad Centroamercina (UCA), Faculty of Humanities, Managua/Nicaragua
- Educator, Protestant College for Social Pedagogy Freiburg
Selection of Qualifications
- Process facilitator - “Professional support for schools and educational institutions”, pro Schule Institut für Organisationsentwicklung, Berlin
- Anti-Bias Multiplier - “The Anti-Bias Approach in the Educational Field of Action”, Anti-Bias Workshop, Berlin/Oldenburg
- Social Justice and Diversity Trainerin – Leah Czollek/Heike Weinbach/DGB Bildungswerk
- Referentin für die „Initiative geschlechtliche sexuelle Vielfalt in Schulen und der Jugendhilfe", ISV Senatsverwaltung Berlin
- Menschenrechtsbildung in der schulischen und außerschulischen Jugendarbeit, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechtsbildung
- Dozentin für Deutsch als Zweit- und Fremdsprache, Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation Berlin/Goethe Institut München
Courses at the Freie Universität
- Seminar exercise: Diversity in der Organisation Schule: Praktische Umsetzung vor dem Hintergrund theoretischer Perspektiven, Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ), Dahlem School of Education (DSE)
- Seminar exercise: Geschlecht und Klasse: Intersektionale Perspektiven auf Klassismus, ABV Gender und Diversitykompetenz, Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ)
- Awarenesstraining on Gender und Diversity Kompetenz, ABV Gender and Diversitykompetenz, Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ)
- Lehre gender- und diversitätsbewusst gestalten, Dahlem Center for Academic Teaching (DCAT)
- Gender und Diversity Kompetenz für Tutor*innen und Mentor*innen, course unit in the ABV module group leadership in teaching and learning contexts, Career Service
Selection of seminars, workshops, further training
- Accompanying training courses “Inclusion in daycare facilities” for educators/pedagogical specialists, quality offensive of the city of Cologne, Ista Berlin
- Theory and practice of the situational approach in daycare facilities, Ista Berlin
- Development and implementation of diversity simulation game “Convivencia in Cordoba”, Life e.V. Berlin