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Archive of the IZG

History of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies

The Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (IZG) was founded in late 2011 with the objective of reinforcing the existing network of Gender Studies at Freie Universität, promoting dialogue across disciplinary lines, and consolidating existing skill sets.

As a flexible and transitional facilitating body, the IZK was tasked with interlinking and rendering visible the ideas, projects, and perspectives of the scholars who teach and research at Freie Universität Berlin.

With the help of the budget allocated to the IZG for offering start-up funds, a number of projects and initiatives were supported. At events and research colloquia, new findings in Gender Studies were presented and forums were created for exchange between established researchers and junior academics.

In 2016, the Margherita von Brentano Center took over the duties of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies. The IZG’s former Board of Directors is now continuing its work as the Research Project Team.