Mini-Workshop: “Into the Field”: Incorporating a Gender/Intersectional Perspective in International Field Research
Poster Mini-Workshop “Into the Field”
Image Credit: The background image is a derivative of "Reina del Laberinto /Labyrinth Queen" by Zyan, used under CC BY 4.0
The Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ) at Freie Universität Berlin invites you to the mini-workshop “Into the Field”: Incorporating a Gender/Intersectional Perspective in International Field Research, that will take place during the International Week 2019.
Every field research process is shaped by and affected not only by “gender relations” but intersecting aspects such as “social class”, “ethnicity” and “race”. Outlining the interaction between researchers and research participants, these aspects provide opportunities for engagement while restricting access to certain activities and topics at the same time.
The goal of this mini-workshop is to generate an awareness of intersectional perspectives in the context of international fieldwork, putting in the center complex issues such as cultural relativity, positionality and privilege. Through a combination of theoretical input and exercise inspired by Design Thinking methodology, participants experience the relevance of gender and diversity components with regard to their personal research. The aim is to impart impulses for reflection on one's own thinking, actions and positioning in the role of a researcher.
The mini-workshop (90 min) is directed primarily at MA students, PhD candidates and early career researchers of Freie Universität Berlin who are planning to undertake field research in international contexts.
No registration is required, yet we would appreciate if you contacted us in case you are interested in participating.
For any requirements, please contact Dr. Sabina García Peter:
Facilitators: Rea Eldem & Sophie Wohlgemuth (we perspective)
Rea Eldem and Sophie Wohlgemuth founded we perspective last year with the aim to support institutions in implementing gender and diversity strategies. When Rea obtained her Gender Studies degree from the University of Cambridge, she was intrigued to find a way to transfer academic knowledge into the real world. In her activities as a Design Thinking trainer she learned (and keeps learning) tools and approaches to facilitate reflection and solution-oriented workshop designs. Sophie's academic background lies in philosophy and interdisciplinary humanities — having also worked in different research projects and as a publisher at botopress, her approach on shaping the workplaces of tomorrow is co-developing measures that are both discursive and tangible. Since we perspective was founded, Rea and Sophie have given trainings, workshops, inputs and advice on how to enhance gender parity within organisations but also on finding a personal stance with regards to various other diversity aspects.
Time & Location
Jun 17, 2019 | 04:00 PM s.t. - 05:30 PM
Freie Universität Berlin
Seminarzentrum (Silberlaube)
Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26
Raum L116
14195 Berlin