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UGEN – UNA EUROPA Equality Network meeting in Edinburgh

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News from Mar 26, 2024

Between 21-22 March 2024 members of UGEN – UNA EROPA Equality Network met at the University of Edinburgh to sum up their activities and discuss future collaboration. Also, thanks to GENDER.ED UGEN academics took part in two events open to public:

Salon in Gender and Care (March 21, 2024)

Archiving Feminist and Queer Voices, and the production of Knowledge (March 22, 2024)


UGEN is an interdisciplinary network created in 2021 in the context of the Una Europa Alliance. The main objectives of the network are: 

(1) to strengthen the nascent network of gender studies institutes/centers and scholars across the Una Europa partner institutions in order to explore research and teaching synergies, share good practice and innovation, and build collaborations;

(2) to bring the collective research expertise to bear on the pressing problems of gender equality and diversity in higher education and our own institutions, particularly in the pandemic and post-pandemic contexts.

At the moment UGEN brings together 18 researchers from 8 UNA EUROPA Universities.

Find out more about UGEN here: https://tinyurl.com/yye9e2dy

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