Gender Lunch Talks im Wintersemester 2022/23
Gender Lunch Talks WiSe 2022/23
Image Credit: CeDis FU Berlin
Das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum präsentiert im Wintersemester 2022/23 erneut an drei Terminen Projekte und Neuerscheinungen aus dem Bereich der Geschlechterforschung der Freien Universität Berlin. Die Gender Lunch Talks sind in diesem Semester als Online- und Hybridveranstaltungen geplant.
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, Lunch »mitzubringen« und mitzudiskutieren!
Do, 17.11.2022, 12:30-13:30 Uhr (online)
Dr. Samira Spatzek, John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien
Fashion Literatures in Nineteenth-Century America: Kate Chopin’s “La Belle Zoraïde”
This Gender Lunch Talk zooms in on Kate Chopin’s short story “La Belle Zoraïde.” First published in the ladies’ fashion magazine Vogue in 1894, “La Belle Zoraïde,” in essence, is a tragic mulatta story woven around the wedding of a white lady’s house slave. In this talk, I am considering the cultural work (Tompkins) done by this short story in terms of the intricate connections between literature, fashion, gender, race, and violence. I do this as part of my current research project, which examines US fashion media such as literary fiction and mass-circulation magazines from the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, also to be introduced in this talk. The project’s overarching goal is to examine how different communities of such “fashion literatures” negotiate diverging ideologies of fashion across genre while competing for what we might want to call their own “fashionability” in the literary market. Within this framework, the project examines how notions of literature and fashion have mutually constituted each other as well as how these notions relied on racialized gender norms. How do these fashion texts’ rhetorical and visual repertoires create and consolidate various versions of white femininity?
Teilnahme unter:
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2730 323 2953
Passwort: trV9cKiqM38
Do,15.12.2022, 12:30-13:30 Uhr (hybrid)
Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt, Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Beauty as a Feminist Keyword: Reflections on Fieldwork in Turkey, and a Manifesto
In recent years, feminist scholars have contributed to an interdisciplinary debate on beauty, which focuses on gendered desires, affectivity, and projects of self-making amidst a global boom in beauty products and services. Drawing on the emergent field of Critical Beauty Studies and ethnographic fieldwork on middle-class femininity in urban Turkey, this lecture explores the salience and potential of beauty as a feminist keyword in anthropology. Beauty norms and body images materialize in intimate encounters and particular settings. In Turkey, the recent extension of the urban beauty economy has created spaces of possibility and aesthetic desires for ordinary gendered subjects “taking care of themselves.” With its neoliberal emphasis on self-care, the urban beauty economy has fuelled the emergence of new "feminine" subjectivities and affective desires. Finally, I argue in favour of a relational feminist ethnography and pedagogy of beauty, which is conscious of what we define as beautiful, desirable, harmful, or healthy and what the implications are of doing so.
Teilnahme unter:
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2731 086 4495
Passwort: mpD3KgMVZ66
Oder in der Rost-und Silberlaube, Raum KL 29/137
Do,12.01.2023, 12:30-13:30 Uhr (hybrid)
Prof. Dr. Anne Fleig, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie
Weibliche Autorschaft seit 1945: Perspektiven der Forschung
Angestoßen durch die #metoo-Bewegung zeigt sich aktuell ein neu erwachtes Interesse an den Werken von Autorinnen, das sich in verschiedenen Initiativen und Publikationen niederschlägt. Im historischen Rückblick zeigt sich allerdings auch, dass die Frage nach Autorinnen in der Literaturgeschichte und im Literaturbetrieb zwar immer wieder neu gestellt, nicht aber systematisch verfolgt und entwickelt wird. Ausgehend von Gertraud Klemms Roman „Hippocampus“ soll diesen Zusammenhängen im Rahmen des lunch talksgemeinsam nachgegangen werden.
Teilnahme unter:
Meeting-Kennnummer: 2734 587 1336
Passwort: pbCagbU8c23
Oder in der Rost-und Silberlaube, Raum KL 29/135