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Bodies, Power and Property | What’s Queer Got to Do With It? Building an Integrated Theory of Queer Reproductive Justice

06.12.2023 | 16:00 - 18:00
Bodies, Power and Property, 06.12.2023

Bodies, Power and Property, 06.12.2023

Lecture series organized by Stefanie Graefe, Irina Herb, Susanne Lettow in the context of the research project Property in the human body in the context of transnational economies of reproduction.


Prof. Laura Mamo (San Francisco State University): What’s Queer Got to Do With It? Building an Integrated Theory of Queer Reproductive Justice

This talk builds on growing critical inquiry on Queer Reproductive Justice to define an integrated theory of Queer Reproductive Justice. The talk will focus on the ‘queer’ as it conjoins with reproductive justice to ask in what ways Queer Reproductive Justice may be a tool for liberation. Building on Marcin Smietana and Charis Thompson’s 2018 edited collection on Making Families - Transnational Surrogacy, Queer Kinship, and Reproductive Justice, this talk will further bring queer reproduction in dialogue with theories of ‘stratified reproduction’ and ‘reproductive justice’ to propose how to continue to build political and intellectual solidarities.


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Franziska Wohlfarth