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Entry form "Experiences with Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in Academic Spaces/Workplaces"

Are you a student, young scholar/junior researcher, lecturer, or a university employee and have you experienced (or heard about) a sexualized assault in the classroom, your workplace, during field work, at a conference or other academic spaces? If you have experienced or heard about sexualized assaults in academia, we would kindly ask you to share it anonymously with us (no personal data is collected).

The testimonies will be stored in the internal server of Freie Universität Berlin and can only be accessed by the team of the research focus "Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in Higher Education Contexts".

The testimonies serve as a starting point for more elaborate and extensive research. They will provide us with insights for a qualitative exploration of experiences with sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence in academic spaces. We also want to explore the context in which it took place in order to identify the cultural and structural factors in academia that facilitate this phenomenon.

In addition, if you are interested in sharing your experience with us for more in-depth research in a qualitative interview, please contact us via email (see contact information below). Your information will of course be treated confidentially at all times.

Please take into consideration that if you have experienced sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence, there are different sources where you can get confidential support. Dr. Heike Pantelmann is part of the research team and trained to give support to people who experienced sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence. You are welcome to contact Heike any time (heike.pantelmann@fu-berlin.de, +49 (0)30 838 53044). At Freie Universität Berlin you can also find a list of different counseling services here.

Contact information research team:


Heike Pantelmann: heike.pantelmann@fu-berlin.de
Tanja Wälty: tanja.waelty@fu-berlin.de
Sabina García Peter: sabina.garcia.peter@fu-berlin.de
Inga Nüthen: inga.nuethen@fu-berlin.de

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

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