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Tomasz Kitlinski, PhD (winter term 2021/22, summer term 2022 and winter term 2022/23)

Tomasz Kitlinski, PhD

Tomasz Kitlinski, PhD
Image Credit: Dr. Tomasz Kitlinski

Dr. habil. Tomasz Kitlinski received his Diplôme d’Études Approfondies from the Université Denis Diderot – Paris 7 and his Habilitation from the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He conducted research under Hélène Cixous and Julia Kristeva. Kitlinski served as a Fulbright scholar at the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, The New School and as a Marie Curie Actions fellow at the University of Brighton. He collaborates with the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et de Sexualité UMR LEGS (Université Paris Lumières, Paris 8, Paris Nanterre, CNRS).

Currently, Kitlinski is an Academy in Exile and a New University in Exile fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Kitlinski’s interests include opposition to new authoritarianisms; artivism; feminist and LGBTQ theory and practice; political philosophy; questions of subjectivity and democratic intersubjectivity; Eastern Europe; Jewish studies; cosmopolitanism vs. nationalism; civil society; the humanities; and exile.

His publication include English- and Polish-language books and texts in edited volumes and journals (Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, The Advocate, Art in America, Feminoteka, Osteuropa, dos yidishe wort). His recent publication deals with the abuse and death at the Polish border; the essay is co-authored with Professor Izabela Wagner and Angus Reid: https://democracyseminar.newschool.org/essays/slow-agony-of-europe/. More information: https://blogs.newschool.edu/tcds/2021/09/30/death-and-abuse-of-refugees-at-the-polish-border/

Tomasz Kitlinski is enthusiastic and full of gratitude to be part of the Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum.



Email: tkitlinski@zedat.fu-berlin.de